The Priding Cannon.

The photograph posted here of the Severn View Hotel shows clearly the Priding Cannon used to defend the hamlet against anything hostile.
Come forward to the 1950’s and the cannon had been relocated to The Homestead at Priding and belonged to Charles Jones Camm. Charlie and his brother Clifton were very tolerant of us children who played in the orchard and around their garden. It was an adventure playground for “The Priding Four”. Myself, John Magor, Derek Fellows and Roger Hudd and prized game changer was the Cannon. It was not long before we realised that this should be a working cannon and a plan was afoot to test out our theory but there was a snag. Saul school had not taught any of us Gunnery so we were all self taught. We knew gunpowder was the main ingredient and many places had shot gun cartridges and a couple were “acquired” and taken apart. Now were required a cannonball and this was more difficult but we eventually found a ball race and took all the ball bearings out and kept them ready for the day. We also realised we needed a fuse so we soaked string in Paraffin .
I think the idea was forgotten for a season but eventually resurfaced and we dragged the cannon down to the bank outside The Homestead and pointed it at Rodley. We found all the components and primed the Cannon, first the string through the charge hole then the gunpowder, then the ball bearings. Everybody ready? with a match someone lit the string and it burnt well…wait for it…. Fizzle, fizzle…dead. Nothing, absolutely nothing…oh well let’s go and play den building without a cannon.
It is a little known fact but shortly afterwards the Government abandoned National Service ensuring not one of us ever got near to a cannon again.